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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe?

Yes it is. I will not work with you if I think you have an underlying issue which is not something I cannot assist you with and instead I would refer you to someone who can. Otherwise, you are in safe hands and you will not do anything that you do not want to do. We will review how the treatments are working for you to ensure best interest at all stages.


I have had hypnotherapy before and it didn’t work?

That does not mean that it will not work on a different day or with a different person. Like anything, there is a time and a place when things work best and sometimes it may be that we try things again to get the right day – and the right therapist.

You also have to want to make the changes you are coming for. If you partner wants you to stop smoking and you do not, you will not stop. You have to want to make the changes yourself.


I don’t want to do the things you see on the television such as walking around like a chicken or eating a raw onion…

Rest assured we are not on a television show and you will not be doing anything you do not want to do (unless you do want to eat a raw onion!). Those shows are set up purely for entertainment and do not reflect in any way the content of one of our sessions.


I am a very strong minded person – will it work for me?

Yes it will work very well for you as you are likely to have good self control and concentration, which will help even more with the work.


Can I get myself stuck in hypnosis and not get out?

Certainly not. It may be that you are so relaxed that you don’t want to open your eyes or get out of the chair, but you will always be able to come out.


Is there anyone who should not be hypnotised?

Yes there are. People who have had heart attacks or strokes would not be suitable for regression or analytical therapy, and care would be taken for people who suffer with epilepsy or are pregnant. Anyone suffering from psychotic episodes would not be taken into hypnosis.


How long will the session last?

Most sessions are approximately 60 minutes long, other than Stopping Smoking which is approx 2 hours for the first session.


How long do I have to see you for?

I will only ever give you the number of sessions you need. This will vary depending on the nature of the problem you are seeing me for but is normally between 1 and 3 sessions for most therapies. For more deep rooted problems a course of treatment can be from 3-12 sessions. I will be able to give you a good idea from the outset, but we will review this together as we work through the sessions. My intention is always to keep it to a minimum, so you can get on and enjoy the changes you have made!

Earsham Hall, near Bungay. NR35 2AN

01986 893868         07880 741409


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